Friday, March 22, 2013


I am a perfectionist with unrealistic expectations of myself... Who is with me? Since we moved the wedding date up to next may I still have a while,but I got on this kick of wedding planning. Seeing that this week is spring break I figured it would be perfect time. Who knew I would not for the life of me be able to find a place to have the wedding! I am determined to figure it out, but everything seems to be a dead end. I could go through the list of why different places will not work, but seeing that you, whoever is reading this could probably care less then I will skip all of those details. I have the photographer I want, an almost for sure dress, almost for sure catering plan, but just no place! The other thing is finding a job that can help us get an apartment when we need one. See I work like all the time, but it is babysitting which does not cut taxes. This is amazing until you start needing to prove that you can pay for an apartment. Soooo todays task was to apply to as many jobs as I could. We shall see how that turns out. Needless to say my head hurts... Am I the only one who ever feels this way? I refuse to be bridezilla, but it sure would help that refusal if I could find a place to be a bride!

On a good note though I found out I won free wedding bands from a competition i had entered! Also I got a free wedding picture guest book! That was nice! :)



sku said...

Well, I know that I am DEFINITELY a perfectionist with unrealistic expectations. So... you're not alone. I am not, however, getting married soon, so can't help you there.

Gabriela said...

You are definitely not alone. Oh goodness, this is the story of my life. ;-)

momto8 said...

somehow things will work out just right! good luck with all your plans!