Hello blog world! I would love to say that I have recently been inspired to start back blogging regularly, but truth is I really haven't had a lot to say lately. Of course plenty of WONDERFUL things have been happening and God has been teaching me great things, but just nothing really stuck out to blog about like it use to. With that said though I just want to share my life with you guys.... the ups the downs... the exciting times and the times I completely screw up. Life is constantly full speed ahead, but if I can just be a light in someone's life it makes taking time to blog worth it .
With that said..... What does my life look like at this moment?
~ Senior in college (Whoop Whoop! Never thought this day would come!)
~ 8 Months from marrying the man of my dreams
~Falling more in love with the Lord each day
~Scared to death of the "Grown up world"
~Realizing how I suck at submission
~Wishing I could remember the last time I went to the gym (I have a wedding dress to fit into!)
~Wishing I didn't have English lit glooming over my head...
~Taking each moment at a time
~Considering finding something chocolate to eat!
Sound like anyone else?! Life is crazy and has plenty of ups and downs, yet at the end of the day I have comfort knowing that tomorrow is a new exciting day.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
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