Monday, May 23, 2011

What will you have to give to your husband?

Imagine this (Yes, it is ok to close your eyes and go into la la land!)…. It is your wedding day! You are marrying the perfect guy; just the one God had planned for you! The wedding is over and the wedding night is about to begin. You have always thought of yourself as a “good” girl. You never had sex, did drugs, or drank alcohol. Although there seems like there is something missing. It is nothing big….. Just something deep down doesn’t feel right. You are missing something. Something just isn’t what it is supposed to be…. *Come back to real life!* What do you think is possibly missing? It wasn’t anything like a loss of virginity. What is it? This is how I imagine emotional purity effects people. Is it terrible? No. Although it is just a little nagging thing that you wish wasn’t there. How can you change it? I say it often…. Now is the time to determine your future! The good and bad choices that you are making now determine what your future will look like. Back to the wedding night though… will you just have what you happened to save, the left overs or will you be able to deliberately be able to say, “I saved everything for YOU! I loved and respected you even before I knew who you were!” I’m not sure about you, but I’m here to tell you that I want to be able to say that I purposefully waited and that although I made mistakes I did my best to respect you even before I knew who you were! The questions still is though…. How can we do that? How can we purposefully wait? For each girl it is different. Although one of the main ways I think of it is when a girl doesn’t just date for the fun of it. She only dates guys that she could see herself possibly marrying one day. If we were honest this cuts out most guys. Another way is not just doing your best to remain pure by not having sex. Remaining pure with a purpose… knowing your boundaries and not pushing them. One last way, why wait until you know who he is to tell him that you love him? Take time now when you are feeling all alone to tell your future love how you are waiting on him and love him! Write him letters, poems, whatever you want! On valentines when you do not have a date or even when you do, write the future love of your life a valentine’s card! When you want to tell a guy you love him think about it… and wait! Write your future partner and tell them of how you reserved those precious words for them. Wouldn’t you melt if on your wedding night your husband presented to you letters that he had been writing for you long before he ever met you? I know I would! Your husband may not be as emotional about it as you would, but I can almost promise you it would mean the world to him!



Charlotte said...

It is so refreshing to read this post. Things have changed so much since I married almost 53 years ago. Thank you for sharing these thoughts. Every young girl should have this attitude. And not just the young girls. The young boys as well.

Rachel said...

Thanks for your comment! I love your blog too! This post is very.. a slap across the face. I have made so many mistakes, especially with my relationship. I'd never planned on dating. Ever. But it happened.. I got to talking to a guy and we over time, became "boyfriend and girlfriend". Now I don't regret meeting him at ALL. It has been the best almost 9 months of my life! I love him with my whole heart, and we do plan on getting married. We are both Christians and my family loves him, he has a friendship with my Father, etc. I just wish I would've paid attention to all the advice I got BEFORE I got into a relationship. I encourage every girl to read blogs like this and LISTEN, because sometimes there are things you can't go back on. Thank you for having a blog like this, every girl needs a godly example like you. God Bless.
-Rachel Lynn

Rachel Renee said...

Wow, this is an excellent post! Emotional purity is so important too, not just physical purity. And you said it very well. So good, thanks for writing this!! :)

ajfcello said...

Wow!! This is an excellent post!! It is so encouraging to see other Christian girls like you out who also strive for not only physical purity, but emotional purity. Thanks so much for posting!!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

well said Jen....what shines really clear in your post is your desire to live your best life. That's the best.

Tiffany said...


Mikailah Autumn said...

Your blog is so encouraging..just what young girls...any one really...needs to hear! Thank you for speaking the truth!
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