Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What is love?

Lately God and I have really been talking about what love truly is... Not romantic love, but Godly Christian love. We toss around, "I love you" often and hardely ever truly do anything. Yes, I read the love chapter (1 Corinthians 13) and that helped, but i wanted to share with you guys what love means to me! Now to every person it may be different and i would love for you to comment and tell me what it means to you.

Love is.....

Hugging a child at church who honestly you doubt has bathed in the past few days...

Smiling at someone even when you are having a terrible day...

Writing a note of encouragement to somoene who doesnt get noticed often...

Saying, "Thank you" for the small things people do that go unoticed

Listening and truly caring about a friend when in the back of your mind you are thinking they need to get over whatever is going on...

Txting someone and just saying, "Im praying for you and thank God for you!"...

Being willing to smile and love on kids even when you've had kids hanging on you all day...

Giving some of your food to hungry college students... (When you live in the dorm this is an all the time thing!)

Not sharing confidential information that someone has shared with you...

Taking the time to send an encouraging email to someone just to tell them how proud you are of them..

Buy somone who is having a hard day some flowers...

Just hug someone...

Yes, these are all examples from my life. Your life is different and so you have different opportunities to show love! If you cant tell I work with youth/children alot. I also live in a dorm! Below is a picture that was taken the other week and I absolutely love it! It is a picture of a girl I go to church with. Her home life isnt the best and she longs for love. She invited me to her birthday party and honestly it was on the worst day possible for me, but i made sure i stopped by just to show her that i cared. It was all worth it to see the look in her eyes when she saw me. Whenever I see this pic I hear God say, "This is what love is about!"


Mikailah Autumn said...

Wonderful post... Good question! What is TRUE love? Thank you for sharing.

Blessings in Him,

PraisingMyCreater said...

Loved this post! I've been learning lately how much God loves me. Such a beautiful and powerful thing!

Blessings to you