Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Are you a Princess?

Has someone ever told you that you are a princess? How did it make you feel? If they truly meant it then i have a feeling you smiled. It made you feel good, right? Is that a bad thing? NO! God does not want you to walk around condemned all the time. Yes, you should be humble, but humble doesn't mean being down on yourself all the time. Take note of this... Being humble means having no view of yourself. So with that said... it is ok to see yourself as priceless! The cool part about this is that the Bible tells us to view others as better than ourselves. So if we can grasp how God truly views us then it will effect the way we view/treat others!

Anyway, moving on... You are a princess! Have you ever thought about this? If you have asked Jesus into your heart then you have become His daughter (John 1:12). Follow me here... we are called God's child and then God is called the King of Kings. Do you see where I'm going with this? Some of you have hears this a million times, but others may have never heard it. Therefore, if you have asked Jesus into your heart then you are a daughter of the King (AKA princess!)!

Do you get this?? I challenge you to live your life this understanding of who and whose you are! Not with a big head, but understanding that you are NOT worthless! You do NOT have to take any form of abuse or be pressured to do anything your do not want to do! Yes, be humble. You can have a Godly view of yourself though!

So, live today knowing that you were bought with a price and that you are priceless!! You are a PRINCESS!! =)

In love,


Natasha Atkerson said...

Great job! I enjoy your blog immensley! Keep up the good work
In Christ,
"Encouraging young ladies to dress in modest, Godly, feminine fashion"

Abigail Oliveros said...

sorry love,
those are not my own pictures.
they are photos that I have found on the web and has inspired me to do photography :)


She Will Move Mountains said...

I also enjoy reading your blog very much! This is a great post....after 21 years I am starting to believe even more wholeheartedly that I AM HIS. I've been told before that I was a 'Princess' by my parents of course and that always brought a shy smile over my face, but knowing that Christ is My King and I am His Princess makes me see the world in which He has placed me in in a whole new light every day. (Of course my parents also named me Sarah....my full name, first and middle means: 'Princess Consecrated to God.')

Anyways....another great post, and I look forward to reading many more of your inspiring posts girls!
Much love,

wowow said...

I love this post! It is such a great a reminder that I am a princess of God, instead of trying hard to have the praise of people. Very encouraging. Thanks for the post and for the comment! :D