Monday, July 25, 2011

Prayer...Do it NOW!

Hey girls! I'm back and it was an amazing mission trip!! :) There is one thing that God really layed on my heart was prayer. Something we hear about all the time, but rarely get serious about.

Girls, how often do we hear or say, "I'll be praying for you!" We here it often don't we? The thing is though how often do we earnestly pray for someone? I have a challenge! Pray immideately. What do i mean? Lately when someone ask me to pray for them or shares something with me that is bothering them instead of saying, "Ill pray for you!" and then possibly forgetting I ask if i can stop and pray right then. Ofcourse i still continue to pray for them afterwards, but girls prayer is powerful.... We HAVE to quit treating it like it is just a good idea! Fair warning though, some people may look at you like you are crazy bc this is not normal.... although give it a shot and the blessings will be unmeasurable! God wants to talk to you.... why wait to talk to Him?



Ashley said...

Love this! Sooooo very true...thank you for posting this message. Needed this today :)

Mikailah Autumn said...

Thank you for sharing this! :)

Offset said...

It's a little bit crazy how a simple prayer can be so difficult to actually do. Thanks for the reminder.

Elizabeth said...

Thanks, I needed to hear this!

Rachel said...