Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Monday - Day 2

Jennifer was able to stay off the roof for the most part. She got on the roof for them to take a team picture then she came back down. She spent the day carrying the old shingles that was thrown down to the dumpster and keeping the ground clean. They were able to remove all the shingles yesterday, put all the tar paper on, and put shingles on half the roof. Today will be an easy day and they should get some free time this afternoon. Jonathan's team also made good progress and should finish their house today.

Fox 16 News in Little Rock did a story on the world changers click here to see it. http://www.fox16.com/mostpopular/story.aspx?content_id=363C843B-9038-477A-959A-5F2E9C3A0875&gsa=true

On the World Changers blog in was reported that 5 people were saved at work sites Monday. Praise the Lord.

A story that she told us on Jonathan was that Sunday some guys from Texas had their lariat and was roping. Jonathan walked over to one of the guys and asked if he could try it. The whole time he was saying to himself, I hope I can still do this. He was able to rope it and everyone started kidding the Texans because this city slicker in his plaid shorts just beat them at roping.

Jennifer's team name is Plumb Bob and Jonathan's team is Sore Thumbs.

The house that Plumb Bob is replacing the roof.

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