Friday, April 2, 2010

Going agianst the grain once again...

So we have all read the verse that talks about how you are not supposed to be unequally yoked with someone, right? This verse is used time and time again. It is a great verse, but I truly believe that our culture has weakened it to a, “Do not date a non Christian” statement. Does it mean that we should not date an unbeliever? You better believe it! Is that all it means though? I believe that it means wayyyyyyy more than just that. Now before I even begin I want to make the disclaimer that I know without a doubt that this post will not only step on some toes… it will stomp on some. Feel free to share your view in a comment! Please just realize that I have done much research in God’s word and prayed for a long time about this and this is the way I see it. Cool? I hope so!

What does, “Unequal” mean? Webster’s meaning for it is, “not of the same measurement”. Please do not get me wrong… it is definitely important that you do not marry an non Christian, yet what about someone who professes to be a Christian, yet doesn’t act like one or is spiritually less immature than you? Unequal to me can also mean that you may have a little bit of the same thing, yet one person has more than the other. Make sense? Also, the fact that they say they are Christians, yet do not live a life that proves it may show that they are not true believers. By no means what so ever am I judging someone else’s salvation. I’m just following God’s word. Matthew 7:21 says, “Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”. Also, God’s word talks about how you can tell a person by their fruits. What are their, “fruits”? The words they say, the things they do, the choices they make, the way they treat people, etc. The honest truth is that if you like a guy you will automatically make excuses for him. God’s word makes it plain and simple. You can continue to make excuses, but in the long run that will do you no good. It once again (as all the other against culture truths) all comes down to… who do you value more? God or your boy friend? I wish so many times that I could step into some girls lives and show you what your life could be like if you left the world behind and ran to God! Girls… IT IS WORTH IT!!!! It may take your being single until you find a guy worth your time, but that is not a bad thing! Want to here how come? First off, it gives you time to grow closer to God! Secondly, you do not give your heart to someone who isn’t worth it. Also, it shows that you love God and puts what He thinks above what the world thinks!

Finally… I want to mention one thing that we may discuss in more depth later on. That is the fact of dating with the purpose of marriage. Everyone has different opinions, but here is mine. Dating is meant to be used for finding a husband. Period. If you are dating a guy just for the heck of it and continue to make the disclaimer that you aren’t going to marry him, that you are just dating him then you are setting yourself up for heart break! Our culture says it’s ok to go from guy to guy. Get together, break up, get together, break up… and so on with this furious cycle. Do you know what that’s preparing you for once you get older? Divorce! Think about it…. You will not know how to stay in a committed relationship! I whole heartedly believe that if you are too young to be looking for a future spouse then you are also to young to be dating.

With love,



claysgirl said...

I just wanted to say I totally agree with everything you said!
Keep it up!

beccaboo said...

what a great nugget of truth! The only thing I slightly disagree with is the "unequally yoked" part. I am totally with you an 98% of it, until the part where you said something about being on completely equal planes spiritually. I firmly believe that the male in the relationship should be at least a step ahead spiritually in relationships. God has instituted the man as the head of the house, and I think he should be the leader in the relationship too. This doesn't mean he has to be one of those talk-over-your-head theologians. But yeah... I think you get it. anyway, just something to think about. Props to you ladies for being such an encouragement to us. :)

Jennifer R said...

Mocking Bird- I 100% agree with that!! Im sorry i didnt make it clear, but i totally agree with you! That is something that i see fall short sooooo often. Girls are the ones who have to say, "woahhhhh" or just plain, "stop!" when if the guys were the leaders they would be the ones setting the boundaries! I just wish that was more common....

Thanks again for pointing that out! :)