Monday, April 26, 2010

Giann- Guarding Your Heart

Guarding Your Heart

Okay....My name is Giann and I blog over @ I asked Jen if I could write a post about guarding your heart so, here I am. :)

I came across a way to look at how to guard your heart.* Back in the Old Testament (OT), God's Temple was divided into sections of holiness. You had the "outer court", "the holy place", and the "Holy of Holies". This is a way to look at 'how to guard your heart'.

Lets start off with the "Holy of Holies". This is the area only open for God and your husband. No one else, not even your intimate friends! In her book Set-Apart Femininity, Leslie Ludy says this "The Holy of Holies include such sacred things as sexual expression, sexual touch, .....and the deepest most personal dimensions of the heart and mind........Giving away your physical purity is not just a matter of "crossing the line" but of sharing any part of your sexuality with someone outside of a marriage covenant." So, definitely this something that should not have to be discussed. Unfortunately, this is not so. (I must tell you though, that I am NOT condemning you! I merely want to share what is on my heart.)

Just think about that for a minute. What does that really mean?? Well, it is not merely saying wait until marriage to have "it" but, to to guard your heart and mind from getting emotionally attached to a guy. Sharing your most intimate feelings with him and your physical being. I believe at one point in our lives we will be grateful for doing this.
Please girls, hear me!!! Guard this with your life!!!!!

If you have made mistakes and done this already, don't worry God will forgive you!!!
Now, "the holy place". This area only allows family and intimate friends. Again, Leslie Ludy says this "The holy place includes such sacred things as deeply personal expression (nonsexual), deeply personal touch (nonsexual), dimensions of the heart and mind containing highly sensitive and sacred matters (hurts, vulnerabilities, fears, weaknesses, dreams, desires, longings). She goes on to say that "The holy place should only be entered with an unrelated member of the opposite sex when you are in a serious relationship, led by God, headed toward marriage." This basically explains itself. If you have any questions please leave a comment.

The last one is the "outer court". This is open to friends (guys and girls) and family. Leslie Ludy says this "....the sacred things in its domain still deserve a heightened level of guardedness and special protection. The outer court includes such things as friendly touch, words of specific encouragement, character endorsements, intercessory prayer, friendships with believers, the teaching and discussing of doctrine, and communion." This explains itself, again.......

This is just a thought as you go about the rest of your week! Please feel free to contact me on my blog!!

*Set - Apart Femininity by Leslie Ludy is a great read!!


Haylie Jo Gregory said...

Hey, nice post. Leslie Ludy is someone we can all look up to. Her books are amazing and so are her husbands Eric Ludy

Jennifer R said...

Great post Giann!! I've heard a new song at church the other week (I doubt it is new, but I had never heard it) and it is called, "Holy of Holies". I LOVE IT! You post made me think of it! :)